Agro Micro Finance, Sri Lanka
About Agro Micro Finance

Who we are

We are a Micro Finance Institution incorporated providing four Micro Finance products for the benefit of small entrepreneurs women as well as men. With special reference to women in the rural sector. engaged in income generating projects.

Credit facilities provided by Agro Micro Finance so far have enabled the small producers and entrepreneurs to significantly improve their standard of living from their income generating activities. Although Micro Finance programs do assist in raising. The living standards of the poor it is also necessary that beneficiaries of the loan scheme are naturally endowed with some degree of some entrepreneurial skills and the determination to succeed. .

Loans are granted to members of Agro Micro Finance Before considering a loan charts are encouraged to become member of Agro Micro Finance only this is done after filling requesting application form and opening a suraksha account with rupees five hundreds. The applicant have to be a citizen of Sri Lanka having a NIC ,and posses are income generating project .Suraksha account for which a pass book is issued helps the member to do all their transaction loan update etc, Which are updated promptly electronically.Loans are granted only on submission of an acceptable project report after an appraisal of the project only the loan and the period of repayment is decided upon. And after educating loanies at training classes a schedule of repayment of installments and interest payable is given to them along with the loanies. At the training class the loonies are given a thorough understanding of the culture of the credit timely payments and their benefits and also on savings and thrift and simple book keping. .

Paddy Loan Scheme
Anti Poverty Lending Scheme
Tsunami Special Loans
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